Wednesday, February 25, 2009


hello to the few people, mostly close friends, to whom i have made aware of this blog.  

right now i should be in my photography class reteaching the, shall we say,  students more ripe with age than i what the instructor has just gone over, but instead i am sitting alone in the corner of a public library.  because of my choice to sit as far away from others as a can,  i'm drawing suspicious looks.  i'm pretty sure this old lady who waddled over to grab a magazine gave me a dirty look, because she thinks i'm "watchin pornogrophy on that there internets." 

anyways, this is my first post to my blog, and this world of blogging or "blogosphere", as i have heard it called, is new to me.  i know there are a lot of blogs out there where people post important, useful information on topics that can help others.  this, however, is not going to be one of those.  i will share information with whoever chooses to read it, but don't expect it to be either important or useful.  

my only objective to creating this blog is to write.  i will write about me, about what i'm doing, share a moment i have enjoyed or endured, and maybe throw in some fictional short stories while i'm at it.  and i can tell you without a doubt that i will take up some bytes of the internets to bitch, complain, and give my opinions.  if you disagree with anything i say, good.  because i am not the smartest person, nor am i always even-tempered or rational.

i do hope that some of what you read in interesting, entertaining, or just a better use of your time than working at your job.

p.s. grammatical errors will appear frequently.  feel free to give corrections